Bruce looked at the gamma monster and shuddered. He knew he could beat it easily in a battle, but no one wanted that to happen. The Abomination couldn't get through anyway. But... still...
The Captain had told all of them that they needed to make friends out of their enemies. Bruce didn't like that idea.
"So," he said through the phone, "Uh, they said you could befriend some people."
"That is correct as I have befriended the Leader."
He gulped.
"Is it possible to befriend your enemies?"
The Abomination scowled more deeply.
"Are you kidding? That would end up worse than the Leader. Every time I befriend someone. They betray me. I was the only one that got caught last time he and I fought together."
Bruce grimaced.
"Why did you decide to be a bad guy?"
The Abomination scowled more deeply than Bruce thought possible.
"I was overtaken by Stranger. And your machine made me the Abomination forever."
"What if I took your gamma radiation away?"
"You wouldn't do that."
Bruce nodded.
"But what if I did?"
"I would be your friend. I was just taking pictures of your gamma radiation equipment."
Bruce sighed.
"I vow, that if I find a cure for gamma radiation. You will be the first to take it. I do have something that reduces the gamma radiation. I'm sure it probably wouldn't do much to you except reduce your strength. But it put me in more control of myself. In human form I don't remember much of what happens while I was the Hulk, but I do remember that the Leader inserted Gamma radiation into my blood, and I became Savage Hulk again."
The Abomination's scowl softened.
"You wouldn't want to befriend me. Would you?"
"I would. But it's kind of hard considering we're enemies."
For the first time that Bruce had ever heard, the Abomination chuckled.
"We're both gamma monsters, we both don't fit in the world, and we're both enemies of the Leader. I think we could work it out."
Bruce smiled.
"Sure, but you better live up to your oath. I vowed never to break promises like the Leader."
"I vow the same."
For the first time probably ever. The scowl on the Abomination disappeared. He let out a joyous laugh. Maybe Gamma monsters weren't always angry.
Peter had just made friends with his strongest enemy. Carnage had the closest thing to a smile on his face he could do. For some reason, his face never peeled back to reveal the human face. Venom had always done that. Maybe it was because they were completely bonded. You never knew with Symbiotes. Other than that, he had been ripped in half by Hulk, so he might have been stuck in there.
"Oh, can I get you something to eat? You know, as a token of our friendship."
The Symbiote smiled again.
"Go for it."
Peter laughed. Cletus had a very good sense of humor when he wasn't acting evil. Since when had he started calling Carnage, Cletus? About 2 minutes ago, when they became friends. Peter went to the private cafe to get Cletus his meal. He picked out a cheeseburger, a bunch of grapes, and chocolate milk. He headed toward the cell.
Thor stopped him in his tracks.
"Did you make friends with Carnage?" he asked
"I did," Peter replied
"Are you sure it's a true friendship?"
"Yeah, I was getting this food for Cletus himself as a token of our friendship."
"Sometimes, Symbiotes can be the best of friends."
"Oh, can I get you something to eat? You know, as a token of our friendship."
The Symbiote smiled again.
"Go for it."
Peter laughed. Cletus had a very good sense of humor when he wasn't acting evil. Since when had he started calling Carnage, Cletus? About 2 minutes ago, when they became friends. Peter went to the private cafe to get Cletus his meal. He picked out a cheeseburger, a bunch of grapes, and chocolate milk. He headed toward the cell.
Thor stopped him in his tracks.
"Did you make friends with Carnage?" he asked
"I did," Peter replied
"Are you sure it's a true friendship?"
"Yeah, I was getting this food for Cletus himself as a token of our friendship."
"Sometimes, Symbiotes can be the best of friends."
Thor smiled at Parker as he walked towards the cell. If what he said was true, than he could make friends with the rest of the Symbiotes. He was friends with Loki, who was his enemy. Then he thought of Banner. The poor man had been injected with a much larger dose of gamma radiation, and was turned back into the green Hulk. He didn't dare inject himself with the 'antidote' for fear that they wouldn't be strong enough to defeat the AU. The rest of them were glad that he was injected, because now they had enough strength to defeat the AU. The AU was probably nearly as strong as Godzilla, who could lift about 1,200 tons. 2,400,000 pounds. They barely defeated that monster. They could probably barely defeat the AU as well. They had Godzilla contained and sedated at the moment. They wouldn't dare release him until they knew that Parker's idea worked.
The intercom went on.
"We are about to land in St. Petersburg. Fasten your seat belts."
As always, instead of fastening his seat belt, Thor jumped out the emergency door, ripping it off its hinges. He swung his hammer and descended toward solid ground. When he landed, dust flew out in a large circle. Then, he saw it. A majestic creature, larger than the Hulk. Strong enough to defeat an enemy they couldn't.
The Avengers Ultimatum.
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