Peter got up and walked towards the front deck. The AU had already destroyed Moscow, Russia, and was moving on to Russia's next biggest city. Somehow, the AU had gained Spiderman's powers before he even met the Avengers. This Ultimate Avenger was somehow gaining powers before the powers happened. He had even gained Wolverine's powers. So he pretty much couldn't die. They had other teams join them like the X-Men, the Fantastic 4, or Alpha Flight, only to find that the AU had gained their powers too. And boy were they scared to ask the Justice League, due to Superman.
Once Peter made it to the front deck, he immediately started towards Nick Fury, and Agent Coulson.
"How close are we?" Peter asked
Nick looked at him with a stern face.
"Close enough to attack by ship," he answered
"I want to get in and attack him all at once!"
"Now Peter. We don't have the practice to do that."
"Well then why don't we practice? We have the ability to!"
"Peter, we do practice. We practice everyday. Have you been skipping the practice sessions?"
"I know we practice," Peter replied, ignoring Nick's question, "I just wish we could get it immediately."
"Peter, we've tried every superhero we can, only to fail because of it's weird way of gaining our powers. I'm surprised he hasn't gained the 'Old Power' yet, or Skaar's strength."
Peter walked away, disappointed in 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes'.

He forgot about his glasses, though, so when the transformation was complete, he looked kind of ridiculous. Like a giant grey nerd. He took them off and put them on the controls. After that, he ripped the emergency exit off of its hinges, and hopped out of the ship.
Hulk looked around. That voice sounded awfully familiar.
"I've brought a friend," the voice said, obviously joking
Hulk knew who it was, and where he was.
"Come on out Leader! I know where you are."
"Well that's a rather harsh greeting," he said, walking out from the shadow of the Quinjet
He was followed by Red Hulk, who was smiling gleefully... or should I say, with evil glee.
Hulk scowled, and raised his fist to smash the Leader, but hesitated. The Leader wasn't even attacking. When he had the chance, the Leader stabbed a needle into Hulk's arm. Hulk felt a wave of nausea-- much like it felt when he turned back into himself-- and passed out.
He woke up a few minutes later, feeling angry. Why did the AU have to be so annoying? He roared, and smashed a tree. He saw a glint of metal by the Quinjet, and walked over to it. He removed the blanket that was covering it, and saw what it was. It was the suit that puny Tin Man had used to fight him. He picked it up, and threw it at the Quinjet. It hit the nose, alerting everyone inside. 3 of
the other heroes came out of the Quinjet. One of them was Tin Man. He charged at Tin Man, and tried smashing him, but he moved away just in time. Now he was even more angry. He tried thinking of his next maneuver. Smash. He charged the bigger one with the piece of rock in his hand, but he swung the piece of rock really fast, and flew into the air.
the other heroes came out of the Quinjet. One of them was Tin Man. He charged at Tin Man, and tried smashing him, but he moved away just in time. Now he was even more angry. He tried thinking of his next maneuver. Smash. He charged the bigger one with the piece of rock in his hand, but he swung the piece of rock really fast, and flew into the air.
The third one was somewhere. He didn't know where, though. Suddenly, something sharp was stabbed into his back. He turned around to see the one with the piece of metal in his hands. He tried smashing him, but he held up the metal, and Hulk smashed that instead. He was surprised to see that the piece of metal wasn't smashed, so he tried again. Then a big wave of nausea hit him, and he passed out.
Thor sighed in relief, after the Captain stabbed the needle into Hulk.
All of a sudden, Parker burst into the open.
"Guys," he said, "I have a plan. Oh, what happened here?"
"Somehow, Banner got transformed back into the old Hulk," Thor answered
"He was injected," the Captain said
"How?" Parker and Thor said at the same time
"It was probably Skaar, or one of our other enemies. But I didn't think any of them knew about Gamma Radiation. Unless one of his enemies is still alive."
"I doubt it, but it is possible." Parker agreed
Thor laughed.
"We will see Parker. We will see."
The next morning, Peter hurriedly got everything done, then gathered up a meeting. All of the Avengers-- including Fury, and Agent Coulson--made it to the front deck.
"So I had this crazy idea..." he started
"Well if it's crazy, why should we listen?" Thor asked jokingly
Everyone laughed, except for Peter.
"Anyways, I was thinking that maybe we could send villains instead of us. We could start with the 2 most powerful, and fight with them."
"Are you crazy?" Fury demanded, "They would kill us when they get the chance! I won't allow it!"
"Excuse me, Fury, but you're not in charge here." the Captain said, "I think it's worth a try."
"Excellent. Let's get to it shall we?" Thor said
They flew back to the containment chambers, ASAP. Peter glared at his greatest enemy testily. The faceless Symbiote glared right back. Peter picked up the phone that let him call Carnage.
"So we're thinking of letting you out, you know," he said
"Well, why don't you?" a gravely voice replied
"Oh we will, we will. But you have to agree to behave and listen to whatever we say."
"And what will I get in return?"
"Oh a chance to get out of here, and better treatment."
The Symbiote seemed to think for a moment.
"Agreed," it said, "But don't expect me to save you if you're in trouble."
Peter pressed the button on the glass, half expecting the Symbiote to attack him. But apparently Symbiotes kept true to their word.
Bruce trudged toward the containment chamber in which the Abomination was held. A giant gamma monster glared at him when he got there. He glared right back. Bruce picked up the phone.
"Do you want a chance to be free?"
The Abomination thought for a moment.
"What do I have to do?"
"You have to agree to behave and listen to whatever we say."
"And what will I get in return?"
"A chance to get out of here, and better treatment."
Bruce pressed the button on the glass, and braced for an attack, but the gamma monster simply glared, and walked out of the room. Apparently, other gamma monsters kept true to their word.



A musclebound man stood in place of the bolt, and glared at Thor.
"Thor!" he screamed, "You have done it again! I will not stand up for this!"
Thor frowned.
"Whatever did I do, Zeus?"
"Whatever did you do? Stop being a joker, Thor. I know you took it!"
"Took what?"
"My Master Bolt, you fool! Give it back!"
"I didn't steal your master bolt! Why would I steal your master bolt? I already have power over lightning!"
While the 2 men were arguing, the Captain snuck around the other side of the Quinjet. Soon, Zeus was facing Thor, and not paying attention to anything else. The Captain raised his shield, and THWAPPED Zeus on the head. The lightning god swayed, and fell to the ground. Everyone stared at him in shock.
"What?" he said, "I had to find some way to end the argument. We need to get a move on."
Everyone recovered from their shock, and got into the Quinjet. While everyone was getting in, Zeus raised his head a little bit. The Captain whacked him with his shield again, and he fell. It was going to be a long day.
Thor felt a little embarrassed about the situation that had just occurred. Zeus had gotten a little too mad about the Master Bolt. The truth was, Thor actually had taken the Master Bolt, but only to defeat the AU. Suddenly, the ship rocked yet again. This was not good.
"Coulson!" he yelled
The Agent found his way to him.
"Yes sir?" he asked
"Release the Symbiote."
To be continued...
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