Powers and Abilities
- Superhuman Strength: Multi-Venom is able to lift and excess of 2000 tons
- Superhuman Speed: Multi-Venom can run faster than the light of speed tirelessly
- Superhuman Durability: Multi-Venom can withstand blows from even Green Superman himself
- Superhuman Stamina
- Multi-Body: Multi-Venom has the ability to sprout additional body parts from anywhere in his body for a limited amount of time
- Multi-Host: Multi-Venom is able to take about 15 people for hosts at one time
- Claws
- Web Slinging
- Wall Crawling
- ESP (Spider Sense)
- Sight on all sides
- Constituent Matter Generation
- Constituent Matter Manipulation
- Camouflage
- Goo Form: Multi-Venom has the ability to slink around in his gooey form, going by almost completely unnoticed
- Superhuman Senses
- Immunity to Fire/ Heat, High-Pitched noise, Sonic Attacks, and Thermal Attacks
- Flight
- Shapeshifting
- Power-Reading
- Hosts Powers: Multi-Venom has the ability to retain his hosts powers, even after they are released
- Multi-Host: Strangely enough, Multi-Venom's only weakness is one of his powers. If he retains an extra host, all of them will be spit out of him, and his powers will be gone.
- Powerful Hosts: Blue Hulk displayed the ability to fight his way out of the Multi-Venom Symbiote when it came after him. It turned out that only extremely powerful supers can fight their way out of it. It was also found by Blue Hulk, that they could retain some of Multi-Venom's powers if they were powerful enough(also displayed by Spiderman).
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