Thor and the Asgardians called the weak spot, his "Achilles Heel". In his shoulder, there was a spot where they could inject certain serums and other things. With that spot they had injected Super Soldier Serum, Gamma Fluid, and different assortments of Goblin Serum. With the "Achilles Heel", Iron Hulk managed to down the AU #2.
Powers and Abilities
- Superhuman Strength: The AU's highest measured strength has been 1 trillion tons, though with his Odin Force he has the ability to raise his strength level.
- Superhuman Leaping: The AU was known for jumping all the way around the world at 473 MPH.
- Superhuman Lungs: The AU #2 can inhale great quantities of air for several effects.
- Superhuman Stamina: The AU#2 is immune to all earth diseases and can only pass out for a few moments.
- Superhuman Durability: The AU#2 is able to withstand blows 100 times stronger than Hercules' Mightiest blows.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite the fact that almost nothing can hurt him. Some things can like, Adamantium or Vibranium. He can regenerate a broken or destroyed limb within seconds.
- Immunity to All Earth-Based Diseases and Viruses: The AU is immune to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses.
- Immortality: Due to being mostly robot, the AU#2 has the ability to live for any amount of time.
- Superhuman Speed: Despite his size, The AU can run as fast as 3,000 miles per hour. He is also known to have Lightning Fast Reflexes.
- Underwater Breathing: This ability was retained when he was injected with Iron Hulk's blood.
- Immunity to Psychic Control: AU#2 has displayed his immunity against Dr. Strange, and even Professor X.
- Extrasensory Perception
- Astral Form Perception: The Avengers Ultimatum #2 can see astral forms or "Ghosts" that no one else can see.
- Homing Ability: The AU has displayed the ability to track things using his mind only.
- Gamma Radiation/Energy Manipulation and Emission: The AU#2 is able to use gamma radiation against his enemies, and also absorb it.
- Radiation waves: The AU#2 is able to produce radiation and throw it at his enemies. He is also able to produce a massive sonic wave with radiation by slamming his fists on the ground.
- Extensive Mind-Span: The AU has displayed his knowledge in science, Math, and language at many occasions. It has the mind of a super computer, giving it an enhanced version of the Captain's battle techniques.
- Telepathy: The AU is able to communicate with the rest of the Avengers with his mind, however, with effort, this ability can be blocked.
- Supersonic Waves: Due to being injected with gamma blood, The AU#2 can emit supersonic waves that can easily destroy most Symbiotes.
- Fire: Like his ability to create radiation waves, The Avengers Ultimatum #2 can also shoot fire from his hands. He can also raise the temperature in his body at will.
- Invulnerability: The AU is invulnerable to everything that anyone could create.
- Immortality
- Odin Force: Due to being created by three celestial beings, The AU#2 has the ability to use Odin Force against his enemies.
- Kraftig: Kraftig is The AU's hammer. Only he has the ability to wield it with his Odin Force.
- Adamantium Shield: Despite being almost completely made out of the material himself, the AU#2 wields a mighty shield that is very useful in battle.
- Adamantium "Iron Man" Armor
- Odin Force Armor: This armor allows him to use Odin Force without breaking his other weaponry.
- Achilles Heel: As stated above, The AU has a weak spot for injecting materials such as gamma fluid and different assortments of serums. This is occasionally used as an advantage for enemies. Iron Hulk used this weakness to defeat the AU#2 in battle.